

Lectures on sports psychology at the FEPSAC Congress

The 15th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology took place in Münster on 15-20.07.2019. With around 1,000 participants from all over the world, the event wase one of the largest sports psychology congress ever.

Dr. Michele Ufer gave two lectures at the 50th anniversary congress of the European Federation of Sport Psychology:

  • In The longer you run, the crazier you are? A study on the personality of extreme long-distance runners Michele pursues the question (or rather the common cliché) whether extreme or frequent runners are perhaps a bit crazy after all. He examines whether and if so, to what extent extreme runners, i.e. athletes who complete 160 km or even longer races, differ from other runners or the normal population in central personality traits.
  • In Talking is silver, silence is gold, or maybe not!? A case study on communication and leadership in elite sports Dr. Michele Ufer gives exciting insights into the process of a consulting mandate with a national team, which was particularly concerned with the topics of communication and leadership.

More infos on the Congress

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Speaker, coach and best-selling author Dr Michele Ufer is an internationally recognised expert in sports and management psychology and also a successful ultramarathon runner.

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