
LIMIT SKILLS. Limit skills instead of motivational bullshit nonsense!


  • Conventional motivational slogans put to the test
  • Success strategies from extreme athletes and other high performers
  • Fascinating stories about peak performance and limit experiences
  • How we can overcome and expand our limits intelligently

The lecture on the LIMIT SKILLS book. Respecting, testing and overcoming your own limits.

“You can achieve anything if you want to.” Is that right? Are performance and success really simply a question of motivation and self-awareness? Increasing performance to achieve peak performance – whether in sport or in business – is always an experience of limits. How can we increase our performance, go beyond our own limits and expand and overcome them without sooner or later ending up burned out, exhausted, injured or even dead?

Dr Michele Ufer, expert in sport and management psychology and an active extreme runner himself, distances himself from slogans and mental training along the lines of "no limits" and "tearing down boundaries". Instead, he creates a sensibility for how important limits are, believing that everyone should respect them and benefit from them to create a long-term increase in performance and success.

Whether in competitive sports, extreme sports or at work: with this knowledge you can push through your limits to find your own strength!

Michele Ufer ist ein profunder Kenner und Vortragsredner der Sportpsychologie

— Ludger Gebhardt

Teammanager Konica Minolta

Michele Ufer bringt uns genau da hin, wo wir alle hin wollen. In den Flow.

— Karl Egloff

Bergführer & Skyrunning-Weltrekordhalter

Ein außergewöhnlicher Sportpsychologe und Ultralangstrecken-Läufer

— Prof. Dr. Oliver Stoll

Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Was für ein außergewöhnlicher Mann!

— Katrin Niemeyer


Hat meine Kopfarbeit nicht nur beim Laufen auf ein vorher nie für möglich gehaltenes Level gepusht.

— Moritz-Jan Schütze

Universitätsklinikum Münster

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