
Mental training & self-leadership in professional & high performance sports | Dr. Michele Ufer, Speaker, Sports Psychologist, Ultramarathon Runner

Self-leadership in professional and high performance sport

(Available in German only)

As part of a book on self-leadership at work and in organizations by Prof. Günter F. Müller & colleagues, Dr. Michele Ufer contributed an article about his mental training to improve self-leadership during a 250 km long ultramarathon race in the Atacama desert in Chile.

Based on his experience, Dr. Michele Ufer has developed coaching programs to promote motivation and performance, from which one can also benefit beyond extreme and high-performance sports, e.g. in corporate settings.


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Peak performance, when it counts the most...

If you want to learn more about how you can improve your self-leadership to reach your goals faster or more relaxed, simply contact Dr. Ufer. He's looking forward to your message.

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