
News & Knowledge

Here you will find the contributions of the LIMIT SKILLS blog as well as current information on the activities and dates of Dr. Michele Ufer. If you use the filter, only the contributions of the respective category will be displayed.

(After a major website relaunch, the content will be added/updated step by step in the next few days)

Dr. Michele Ufer received an invitation to join the Advisory Board of the Ultra Sports Science Foundation. Leading scientists and practitioners worldwide research and advise athletes and organizers on the topic of safety and health in ultra endurance sports.

How do endurance athletes find ways out of the mental lockdown? Which techniques and tools are available in times of Corona pandemic? In-depth answers from the well-known German sports psychologist, book author and ultra runner Dr. Michele Ufer.

Due to the great success and the many requests, an extended English version of Dr. Michele Ufer's mental training bestseller is now available under the title MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR RUNNERS. A COMPLETE GUIDE. Highly recommended!

The 15th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology will take place in Münster on 15-20.07.2019. As part of the scientific programme Dr. Michele Ufer will give two lectures from the world of extreme and top-level sport.

Dr. Michele Ufer has published an article in the "GIO" Journal for Organizational Psychology about the team and leadership coaching of a national team with the goal of increasing motivation and performance.

On 30.5.-1-6-2019 the 51st annual meeting of the German Association of Sport Psychology will take place in Halle/Saale. Dr. Michele Ufer and colleagues will report in two lectures on their latest research findings from the world of running psychology.

As part of their global RUN YOU campaign, sports psychology expert and extreme runner Dr. Michele Ufer was invited by New Balance to participate in a panel discussion on mental toughness in running, that was also live streamed to the web.

Through a charity event with a group run for the hospice in Lünen, over 16,000 EUR in donations were collected. The highlight was a reading by Dr. Michele Ufer from 4 of his books about motivation, mental training and big goals.

Dr. Michele Ufer presented his award-winning documentary about the Marathon at Mount Everest. Afterwards there was a round of talks on the topics of motivation, mental toughness, big goals, applied psychology and a book signing session.

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